A to Z Law Welcomes New Attorney to Business Law Department

July 6, 2011

A to Z Law is pleased to welcome Melissa H. Sayer as an associate with the firm.

What I Did On My Summer Vacation

July 7, 2010

There are few of us over the age of 8 that actually take the summer off. Apparently, the world has realized what I have known for years – it’s really hard to relax! This seems to have become especially true for students. If high school students aren’t working a summer job, they are looking for things to fulfill their community service credits for school, or things that will enhance their college applications. Undergraduate and graduate students are also interested in gaining work experience in preparation for graduation, and in today’s economic climate you can pick up some remarkable talent for virtually nothing.

President’s Trivia

May 24, 2010

Thanks to a technical error, the teaser in the President’s Message of May’s Citations – designed to get you to support VLSP – failed to print. But not to fear!

The New Phonebook’s Here, The New Phonebook’s Here!

May 3, 2010

As I sit down to write this column, I have just finished reviewing the new VCBA website. This has been a work in progress for many months, and there are probably dozens of metaphors I could use to describe the feeling I have about the launch of the new site. But I’ll spare you. As […]

A to Z Law to Sponsor – 14th Annual Wine Tasting/Silent Auction

April 26, 2010

A to Z is a proud sponsor of the 14th Annual Wine Tasting/Silent Auction sponsored by the Ventura County Paralegal Association, Inc. (VCPA) This year’s event will be held at the elegant Four Points Sheraton in Ventura on Thursday, May 6th, 2010 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Along with wine tasting and hors d’oeuvres, each ticket purchased includes a commemorative wine glass and entry in the grand prize drawing. The silent auction features many unique items and valuable services from local vendors.

A portion of the proceeds from the event will benefit VCPA’s Scholarship Program, and the Volunteer Lawyers Services Program, Inc. (VLSP), which provides legal services to the poor and under-served in Ventura County. VCPA, Inc. has been a valued donor to VLSP, and over the last 5 years has donated more than $3,000 in proceeds from this annual event.

Will Draft Pleadings for Food

April 1, 2010

That was the upshot of a particularly memorable conversation I had with my eldest daughter when she was about 6 or 7 years old. The conversation has come to my mind several times recently, thanks to our poor – although allegedly improving – economy. The conversation Julia and I had went something like this. I […]

A-Z Partner Leads Annual Bar Association Conference

February 24, 2010

“Well, what does the bar really do, anyway?” As the 2010 President of the Ventura County Bar Association, this is a question I frequently get asked, and I know that many of my predecessors did, as well. Early on a recent Saturday morning, that question was answered loudly, as I had the privilege of leading 41 men and women in the 20th Annual Ventura County Bar Association Bar Leaders Conference.

John Mathews To Facilitate Workshop

November 24, 2009

The Oxnard Plain Users Group, commonly referred to as OPUG, has set a meeting for its third workshop on December 8th at 1:30 p.m. The workshop will be held at the Camarillo Library, 4104 Las Posas Road, Camarillo. John Mathews will serve as the facilitator for OPUG.

California Courts Forced To Furlough

October 30, 2009

The recent solutions the California courts have developed to address the budget crisis compel one to question — is justice delayed justice denied, even if it’s only for a day?