VanConas Among Experts to Speak on End of Life Issues
April 16, 2013
Kendall VanConas, a partner in the Conservatorship & Elder Law and Estate Planning, Probate & Trust Administration groups at A to Z Law, will be one of a panel of experts to speak at a Forum on End of Life Planning entitled “Life is Changed – Not Ended.” The Forum is hosted by St. John’s Seminary. Experts will speak on how the use of Living Wills, Do Not Resuscitate Orders, Powers of Attorney and other tools, and particularly reflect on how Catholics can use these documents to make plans for an elegant transition from this life. The panel will answer questions on cremation, burial and internment options, and changes to the tax code that require attention. The forum will be held on Tuesday April 23rd at 10:30 am at St. John’s Seminary, 5012 Seminary Road, Camarillo, CA 93012. The suggested donation is $15 per person or $25 per couple.
Interested attendees can register by contacting series coordinator Patricia Chojnicki at (805) 389-2035 or by April 19. Registration can also be made online at